Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Sherlock Holmes Puzzles !!!

General Smithers invited five people to his country house for dinner. The surnames of the guests were: FOREST, GILES, HANDY,JACKSON  and KING. Their vocations were: DOCTOR, ACTRESS, LAWYER, BANKER and  WRITER ( but not necessarily in that order). During the meal Smithers dropped dead from food poisoning. The Poison had been slipped into his meal by one of the guests. When Sherlock Holmes arrived on the scene he was given the following information: 
1. JACKSON  arrived last, the ACTRESS arrived before GILES.
2.The WRITER and the ACTRESS arrived before GILES.
3.Third to arrive was the LAWYER, just ahead of KING.
4.FOREST had seen the ACTRESS put the poison on Smither's plate.

Holmes took the ACTRESS to Scotland Yard for further questioning . Who was the ACTRESS ?

How to develop memory methods like Sherlock Holmes !!!! (Part 1)

Memory Methods to become Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes a fiction character who has amazed million and billions of people by his excellent observation and deduction skills.But one such skill without which he would have failed to solve many crime case is his Memory. We all know that he has developed an excellent method to store any amount of information and recall the same when he needs to use that information.

   One such memory method which was used by Sherlock Holmes in famous serial on BBC was " MIND PALACE". There are also many other methods which can help you to memorize any faces,any number ,fact , information just by looking once!!! Yes i am not joking , it's really possible to develop memory like Sherlock Holmes.


Through this article we'll try to explore different methods of gaining super powerfull memory which will help us in the journey of becoming Sherlock Holmes


     Before jumping to the different methods to memorize any thing, let's just have a look on HOW IS YOUR MEMORY CLASSIFIED.
Types of Human Memory: Diagram by Luke Mastin
Sensory Memory:
Sensory memory is the shortest-term element of memory. It is the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimuli have ended. It acts as a kind of buffer for stimuli received through the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, which are retained accurately, but very briefly. For example, the ability to look at something and remember what it looked like with just a second of observation is an example of sensory memory.
 Short-term Memory: 
Short-term memory acts as a kind of “scratch-pad” for temporary recall of the information which is being processed at any point in time, and has been refered to as "the brain's Post-it note". It can be thought of as the ability to remember and process information at the same time. It holds a small amount of information (typically around 7 items or even less) in mind in an active, readily-available state for a short period of time (typically from 10 to 15 seconds, or sometimes up to a minute).
For example, in order to understand this sentence, the beginning of the sentence needs to be held in mind while the rest is read, a task which is carried out by the short-term memory.
Long term Memory:
  Long-term memory is, obviously enough, intended for storage of information over a long period of time. Despite our everyday impressions of forgetting, it seems likely that long-term memory actually decays very little over time, and can store a seemingly unlimited amount of information almost indefinitely. Indeed, there is some debate as to whether we actually ever “forget” anything at all, or whether it just becomes increasingly difficult to access or retrieve certain items from memory.
Example: Some bad or good experience like a breakup or first kiss. 
Through this serious of post we'll try to develop our LONG TERM MEMORY
The above information was taken from the http://www.human-memory.net/. 
If you want to search in more detail than you can visit the site. IN MY NEXT ARTICLE I'LL BE  DISCUSSING AND EXPLAINING THE "  LINK METHOD MEMORY" 
Link Method Memory  

Develop Memory Methods Like Sherlock Holmes (Part 2)

Link method Memory 

  I have learned this methods form the books of  Harry Lorayne who is magician and memory expert. And if you are really interested in developing Super Powerfull memory than i strongly suggest my viewers to read his books.


  So Let's get started, Now i will help you to memorize 10 different object just by reading them once and in the process i'll explain you to use LINK METHOD MEMORY.
   Let's first create a list of random 15 items 

      Now the first word is Computer, So i just want you to see a computer in your mind's eye, don't just see the name of the computer but visualize a actual computer, may be you can visualize your own computer. Now Associate this image with the second image that is Pen, let the association be illogical or ridiculous, for example you can visualize 1000's of pen are coming out from your computer screen while you are reading this post. Now forget about the first word i.e computer and focus on  pen and the next word in sequence the Airplane and again make a illogical association between Pen & Airplane. you can see that you are sitting on a Huge Pen  and that Pen is flying like Airplane.Now make a association between Airplane & Radio you can see in your minds eye that Airplane is landing on a big radio instead of a road track.Radio & Window imagine that your listening the radio by opening the windows of your house  and adjusting the radio frequency with the window handle. Window & Car instead of parking your car imagine that you are parking a window. Car & Apple instead of driving a car you are driving a Apple and sitting on the top of that apple. Apple & Chair instead of eating Apple you are eating chair and hence your getting the taste of a wood which is weird. Chair & Pillow your chair is made form pillow which is soft and when you try to sit on it you collapse down because the chair is too soft to stand firm.Pillow & Cat instead of taking a pillow beneath your head while sleeping. See in your minds eye that you are putting cat beneath your head like a pillow. i am sure that you have got a good idea by now that how to use the LINK METHOD SYSTEM  so why don't you try the remaining 5 words on your own. It's just a child Play and i am sure you'll enjoy it. 
Just consider the few suggestion before moving ahead try to imagine out of proportion objects like huge pen. Use Exaggeration like 1000's of pen . Use substitute like driving a Apple instead of Car.

 Now that you have completed the memorizing part try to recall the objects in the same sequence. i am sure you were able to remember all of them, and the best part is you'll be able to recall the list from top to bottom as well as bottom to top just try it's really awesome.If you are not able to remember, than either you have not seen that image in your minds eye or your association was logical. Practice the method until an unless it becomes a Habit. 

Please share your experience in the comment's and i'll be more than happy to answer your each and every doubt.


If you want me to write a article on any specific topic related to Sherlock Holmes than you can email me the topic details on aakashsawant53@gmail.com or simply just write the name of topic in the comments


Sunday, 15 February 2015

Sherlock Holmes Puzzles !!

Holmes and Watson had set their pocket watches to the same time. Unknown to them, Watson's watch was running exactly two minutes per hour slow, and the watch belonging to Holmes was going exactly a minute per hour too fast. Later, when they checked their watches again, it was discovered that the watch belonging to Holmes was exactly one hour ahead of Watson's watch. 

How long had it been since they had originally set their watches?

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Dr Watson has also became smarter

 Dr Watson was making his way back to Baker Street when he bumped into an old collegue whome he hadn't seen or heard of for twenty years. They had been in a medical school together and had graduated at the same time.
 " Where are you Now ?" asked Watson.
" I am the head surgeon at London's Hammersmith Hospital, " came the reply
 " And this little girl, " said Watson , "
 is she ours?"
" Yes , I ve been married for eight year now."
 The litttle girl tugged on watson's jacket. "My name"s Mary, " she said.
" Fancy that, " replied Watson patting her on the head.
" The same name as your mother.

How did Watson Know that ?

How to Deduce if perosn is lying ( part 2 )

In my previous post i have given some basic idea about how can we develop the suspicion about  a person who is lying to us. YOU Don't know the basic? than just check it out on the following link


        Before we move ahead and study the other gestures of lying, why not take a test- to tell a deliberate lie to someone face-to-face and at the same time be conscious about the gestures which you'll make. This is the best way to experience the lying gesture for your self ( of-course i don't wont you to tell a malicious lie!!!)
        I am listing few of the observation which you can do when you are deliberately lying, flushed cheeks, eye-blink rate increases, increase in number of gulps of saliva, fake smile.

Monday, 12 January 2015

How to Deduce if a person is lying

      This post is specifically to teach you what are various lying gesture. But one thing should be firmly remembered that there is not a single gesture which can clearly say that the person is lying hence we always have to confirm our suspicion based on more than one gesture.

            Before moving ahead , i want you to explain that it's not necessary that the person using this gesture is lying it can also mean that he is hiding something or may be just getting bored and hence don't depend on only single gesture.To be accurate we need to make deduction form number of similar gesture in cluster. 

         The best way to start learning about these gesture is by understanding " 3 wise monkey".

          Has we can see that the first images say's hear no EVIL, this would be one of the gesture you should be looking for to spot a lie. But this gesture will come in disguise because the person lying will only give a small touch to his ears instead of closing his entire hear as it will make very obvious to others that he is lying. Other than the person lying this gesture will also be produced by the person hearing a lie as if he is trying to tell " I don't want to hear more from you because i know you are lying"

The 2nd monkey say's see no EVIL, this again comes has handy tool to detect a lie, because the person who is lying will start touching his eye because he want's to reduce the eye contact when he is lying and all of us are aware that lying to someone by looking in their eye is very difficult. 

 Again let me tell you that this gesture of rubbing eye's can also be produced by person hearing the lie as if giving a message " I don't want to see you, because i know you are lying"

The 3rd monkey say's say no EVIL, which makes it obvious that the person trying to speak lie will cover his mouth because his brain signals him to do so unconciously but if he covers his entire mouth than it will look very obvious to everybody that he is lying and hence instead iof covering the mouth he'll just touch his finger near his lips of nose .

 This three basic ideas can be very well used to develop a suspicion but cannot be used to confirm the suspicion because along with this gesture we need to observe various other micro gesture which i'll be telling in my future post 

If you have found this content really useful than please share it with other. And please follow my blog if you don't wish to miss the next post on micro gesture in lying.

Enjoy ....and thanks for reading.... 

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Letter from Moriarty

 Holmes received a hand delivered note which he studied for a short time before passing to Watson.
   "It's some of sort of code!!!" exclaimed Watson. " What does it mean and who is it from ?"
   Holmes  grabbed his hat and coat. " It's from Moriarty, Watson. Hurry, we must stop him!! " 


Holmes had obviously deciphered the message. CAN YOU?? 
This is one of my favorite puzzle (by tom bullimore )   

Friday, 2 January 2015

have look on different types of SMILE ( Part 3)

           In the last two posts we have learned many things on deduction of smile, but it’s time to move further and understand deduction from different types of smile. We take it for granted that smiling is only used during happiness but that’s not true (you don’t know how? than let’s check it out!!)


Well to a normal eye it may look like a normal smile but let’s take a look by putting on the eyes of Sherlock Holmes

Now as we can see that the eyebrows of this person is completely straight as well as the upper lips but the only curve part is the jaw which he has intentionally put down to create a fake smile. This is a submission gesture. Suppose you were stopped by a traffic police (Don’t worry you have not jumped the signal) but only the presence of a police makes you feel guilty or worried hence to show that you have done nothing you will give smile like above as a submission signal
This our favorite robert downey jr from the move game of shadow

     If you keep your one hand on the left side on the face of this image and observe the right one it will look as if he is smiling and if you do the same for right side you’ll be amazed to see that he is frowning                                              

This kind of smile could be seen when a person is holding some different answers or he knows what’s your secrete.

Well I don’t think so that this gesture need’s any further explanation. The image of the person itself is the whole explanation.
Thanks for reading and giving your time. If you like my blog than please follow me on G+ and I’ll be more than happy to answer your comments.
The next post will be the final post on the topic of Deduction from smile. In the final post ill tell you how smile can be utilized to influence other people (If you doubt that it’s not possible than check it for yourself in my next post!!)