Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Develop Memory Methods Like Sherlock Holmes (Part 2)

Link method Memory 

  I have learned this methods form the books of  Harry Lorayne who is magician and memory expert. And if you are really interested in developing Super Powerfull memory than i strongly suggest my viewers to read his books.


  So Let's get started, Now i will help you to memorize 10 different object just by reading them once and in the process i'll explain you to use LINK METHOD MEMORY.
   Let's first create a list of random 15 items 

      Now the first word is Computer, So i just want you to see a computer in your mind's eye, don't just see the name of the computer but visualize a actual computer, may be you can visualize your own computer. Now Associate this image with the second image that is Pen, let the association be illogical or ridiculous, for example you can visualize 1000's of pen are coming out from your computer screen while you are reading this post. Now forget about the first word i.e computer and focus on  pen and the next word in sequence the Airplane and again make a illogical association between Pen & Airplane. you can see that you are sitting on a Huge Pen  and that Pen is flying like Airplane.Now make a association between Airplane & Radio you can see in your minds eye that Airplane is landing on a big radio instead of a road track.Radio & Window imagine that your listening the radio by opening the windows of your house  and adjusting the radio frequency with the window handle. Window & Car instead of parking your car imagine that you are parking a window. Car & Apple instead of driving a car you are driving a Apple and sitting on the top of that apple. Apple & Chair instead of eating Apple you are eating chair and hence your getting the taste of a wood which is weird. Chair & Pillow your chair is made form pillow which is soft and when you try to sit on it you collapse down because the chair is too soft to stand firm.Pillow & Cat instead of taking a pillow beneath your head while sleeping. See in your minds eye that you are putting cat beneath your head like a pillow. i am sure that you have got a good idea by now that how to use the LINK METHOD SYSTEM  so why don't you try the remaining 5 words on your own. It's just a child Play and i am sure you'll enjoy it. 
Just consider the few suggestion before moving ahead try to imagine out of proportion objects like huge pen. Use Exaggeration like 1000's of pen . Use substitute like driving a Apple instead of Car.

 Now that you have completed the memorizing part try to recall the objects in the same sequence. i am sure you were able to remember all of them, and the best part is you'll be able to recall the list from top to bottom as well as bottom to top just try it's really awesome.If you are not able to remember, than either you have not seen that image in your minds eye or your association was logical. Practice the method until an unless it becomes a Habit. 

Please share your experience in the comment's and i'll be more than happy to answer your each and every doubt.


If you want me to write a article on any specific topic related to Sherlock Holmes than you can email me the topic details on aakashsawant53@gmail.com or simply just write the name of topic in the comments


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