Friday 14 November 2014

Sherlock Holmes lesson on how to increase " AWARENESS"

   Breaking the myth of  being Aware !!!

All the people who have stumbled upon this blog will have one thing in common and that is they are the fans of The great Detective Sherlock Holmes and admire him. But if we closely observe our feelings towards this character we'll come to know that more than the character we are fascinated by his skills and so we also think to achieve those in our life. Sherlock Holmes is a High functional human being who master's different skills such has Body Language reading, Graphology, Mind palace , chess, martial art and many more to name but their is one such skill without which he wouldn't be able to achieve the title of the Greatest Detective.Just try and guess what might be that skill?.
 That skill is "AWARENESS", well that was quite obvious from the title of this post itself but what i want to say is that, were you aware of this when i asked you the question !!!.
    This leads us to a obvious question, What is this awareness?.
well, to keep it simple i'll only say that being aware is to be in present moment. I know many of you will think that we are living in the present and hence we are aware,hence to take away your myth that you are aware about yourself and things around you just give a thought to the below paragraph. 
    Imagine that one bright day when everything was good you suddenly saw you'r ex-girlfriend/ex-boyfriend with whom you had fight 1 year ago, and during that fight he/she abused you and said very awful thing to you and it was heart shattering breakup!! between you two.
What will be your reaction?and before answering the question let me tell you that you have just seen that person from considerable distance and that person doesn't even knows about it .
   Now let's imagine a contradictory situation in which you saw a very beautiful girl/or handsome boy who is in a charismatic fit posture such that it can increase the adrenaline flow in your blood and make your heart beat faster as if you are racing against BOLT( he is the Olympic 100 m champ).
Again i'll like to ask you the same question,What will be your reaction?.and the conditions mentioned above also applies in this new situation.
 Now when you were thinking about the above situation i can surly tell you that, in the first situation your mind started wandering in past about  the good time you two had ,regarding the pain during the breakup and in the next situation your mind was wandering in future and thinking about how the life would be with such a person.
Well in both the situation one thing was common and that is your mind was not in Present it was either wandering in past or future hence i can say that, for that particular time you were not aware because you were not in present!!. This happen's to us many times in our day to day life and hence we miss the present moment.But that's not the way with Sherlock Holmes!!
  Through this post i have tried to put some light on being aware and myth of being aware.In my next post i'll share you some practical method's which i am using to increase my sense of awareness.


  1. Definition of being aware is simply knowing.
    Definition of being aware of the exact and immediate present environment is knowing the exact and immediate present environment.
    That concludes your project.
    There are infinite ways to not be aware. You'll complete your blog faster by defining 'awareness' accurately. Here are some examples for the former statement to add to your 'future/past' :
    1. Thinking of some hoarding on the street.Infinite paths(the model, the product, the company value, the logo) starting from there.
    2. Calculating a maths sum in your head while the environment doesn't so. (Infinite subjects other than maths. Infinite subjects within maths. )
    3. Being asleep.
    4. Having sneezed, thinking about the inner sensation.
    5. ETC...
    Your article compressed is 'When thinking of the future, we are not thinking of the present. You might be thinking of the future and might not be thinking of the present. Provided that being aware is always exclusive of future events and only inclusive of the present events, you might not be aware.'

    1. very well said Manas Bondale, i think you have completely understood what i wanted to say regarding awareness but there is something more to it which gives Sherlock Holmes a edge over other.well i'll answer that in my next post.but before that i'll give you hint to find out what is the difference. take the 4th point of yours in the comment.
      as soon as you get any sensation you'll react to that sensation but a person with high awareness skills will respond to the sensation that's the difference and i'll try to explain that in the next post..
      thanks for reading and commenting ..
