Many a times we have seen Sherlock Holmes creating excellent deductions just by observing the hands and area near the hands of his client's and other people he have just meet. Hence let's start our journey of becoming Sherlock Holmes from the deduction of hands.
How would you feel if i told you that by observing hands you can tell whether the person is lying or telling the truth,what if i told you that by observing hands you can tell who is the dominating partner in a relationship and what if i told you that just by looking at hands you can deduce whether the person is aggressive or submissive. I am sure you'll be thinking how is this possible?. So let's check it out .
Studies have shown that the connection that our brain has with our hands is much more than any other part of our body, hence we easily give away the emotional insight of what we are thinking.
other that body-language, Graphology is also used to study the character of a person. In order to deduce excellent information by observing hands, we should always look for the position of hands which can be divided into three categories as follows
- FINGER POINTING OUTWARD ========================================================================
The best place to observe this gesture is during a fight between a couple where one is trying to give explanation to other. you can also see this gesture during the interview's of politicians and movie stars and can easy tell what are they really feeling, like a Sherlock Holmes .
Palms facing up or down gives us a signal regarding the status of a person with another person .Imagine that you are sitting in a restaurant and having dinner with your loved one's and talking with them but suddenly the waiter comes near to you and tells you that " please talk by making less noise " and while telling this he is using a palm down gesture. What will be your reaction. yes you'll become hostile because this feels like a person with lower status than you is trying to order you, but if the same waiter uses palm up position with the same word's and same tone than i am sure that you'll be more than humble to agree to what he is asking for because it will be like he is requesting you and not ordering you. This palm up and down also can be used to understand the status of two people in a relation ship. To prove my point just look at the below picture and try to find out
What do you think who is the dominating in this picture's ?????..
To help you out, just do one thing look at their hands and imagine that they are holding the hands same way but in horizontal position, now you can see that the person having the hand in front of other person is similar to that of palm facing down which clearly show that he or she is having upper status or i can simply say that he or she dominates in the relationship
In the first picture you can see that the male is leading the women and in the second picture the women is leading the relationship. i am sure that now you can make out who is dominating whom whenever you see a couple walking on streets.
Pointing finger to someone is similar to the act of giving a punch the only difference is that instead of physically hitting a person you'll hit him or her through your words this gesture is very common politicians are having debate.When ever you see this kind of gesture it clearly signal's that the person is getting aggressive. you can also see that finger pointing gesture is used in reality show's like BIG BOSS and SPLITS VILLA ........
To get more insight about when this finger pointing gesture is used, just watch the video below .((( please don't watch the complete video))...LOL.
Nice start Aakash. proper language, best and easy explanation,relevant and good examples.
ReplyDeletei would like to read next post on same blog. nice one.
Thanks for such a motivating comment. I'll try my level hard to keep the quality of my post in upward trend..